Online anatomical models assignments for A&P Labs

The anatomical model requirement for this course will be performed in Modified Mastering. In the study area of Modified Mastering is a section for Practice Anatomy Lab (PAL). Directions for accessing the study area are shown in iCollege (Course Information Files content folder, file = “PAL directions”). You need to study this area for the anatomical models parts according to the assignment titles listed in the schedule. The anatomical models quizzes in Modified Mastering will be based on the anatomical models in PAL.

If the assignment title is numbered 1, 2, or 3, then it means you are taking a random pool of questions from that titled assignment that many times.

Each anatomical model assignment will consist of up to 10 questions and have 2 attempts only (highest scoring attempt being the one that is used). There will be 10 anatomical model assignments in total.